Growth in all aspects.

Stay home that little longer.


It was once father’s went to work and mother’s stayed home. Now I’m glad these days we all have a choice of who works in the house and who does not. We all can work if we decide too.

I am not one to judge other’s on how they run their families, cause everyone is different.

There is no one mold fits all, when it comes down to how families live. I was a mother of 2 that was away from home for up to 4 weeks at a time working. I only saw my kid’s for about a week and then I was off again or I took extra work while I was home.

Now I’m slowly becoming a more active mother in my kids lives. I am now no longer working away from home but am always home when my kids need me.

I decided to give up my job and be a working mum from home.

Now I am not an influencer, I do not have heaps of followers. I am not always online.

But I can say that in our community there are people making 6 figures each month. There are people moving away from their day jobs to work online full time.

Affiliate marketing is taking off and now is the best time to join in. While there isn’t many people doing it.

Family first.

Let’s make our kid’s grow up having a parent or even parents home with them, Let’s stop having all our money go on day care, Let’s stop wishing we could have more time freedom.

Now is the time to join up.

Let’s make our WHY stand out and make it happen. No one wants our kids to be left behind. So let’s show them that we can do it. We can give them a happy home where they get to have everything. That we get to have everything.

Travel, be more there for family and friends. We do not need to say “sorry can’t working” we can decide what we go to and what we do not. We decide how we spend our time, how we make our money.

The only thing holding us back is our mind and our belief’s. That is why in our course we have a whole part based on just that.

We help you overcome all your fears and belief’s, we help you to become the person your watching make money online.

All you need is a strong reason WHY that will push you to get started then once your in you will knock down each wall as you go and find it was the best thing you’ve ever done.

Scared to be seen

This journey has pulled at every belief I had with money and how to earn it.

If someone told me that I would not be working in a kitchen and would be earning money just by being my self, I would not believe it.

Being a chef was my dream, cooking food that people loved just made me feel so good. Watching people sit at their tables and take a photo of the food and then take the first bite, having their eyes closed and just enjoying the moment in time.

Chefing was my world I loved my job, I always wanted a job where I didn’t have to be seen by others and did not have to talk all day. I was not a people person.

I am now finding my self outside of the kitchen, finding that people may judge me but I am doing all this for me.

I’m doing this to find me, to show people how they can be themselves and not be scared. To show that even if you believe your a nobody to someone you are a world.

I’m changing my life one mindset at a time. I’m living my life outside the kitchen and in the beautiful sunshine with my loving family.

Adventures and having fun doing what we love, instead of not seeing each other every special moment and for weeks on end. I am putting family first and not making my kids grow up thinking they need to work their lives away.

Join me on this journey and let’s start seeing more of each other. 🙂

The difference is clear. Affiliate marketing is a better way to go. Earn with an automated system, earn while you sleep. No more selling to your friends and family every month.

Dreams and Living

As we start to grow up we are told.

☆ Get a job

☆ Start a family

☆ buy a house

☆Buy a family car

☆ Stop dreaming

As we grow and start ticking all these boxes we start to lose who we wanted to be.

Life is just getting so based on working, get a job from age 14 then work until we are 65

When are we ment to stop working and enjoy our life?

When does life get to be what we want to make it?

Life goes by so fast that we forget what our dreams are. We are always working that we just focus on when our next pay check is or when we can book our next holidays together.

We forget to live on our terms.

Life was never ment to be full of work.

Yes we are ment to make a living

Yes we are ment to make a amazing family

Yes we are ment to make dreams come true

Live life our way.

We do not need to be a slave to the 9to5 job

We do not need to be afraid of spending time doing what we love

We do not need to be working towards other peoples dreams, we should be working on ours

Remember back to when you were at high school and everyone is asking.

“What are you going to do with your life? Where do you see yourself? What are your future plans?”

I bet you had so many ideas and dreams of how you thought life was going to go.

I know I did 🙂 I gave mine up for the fact I was so scared to go against what I was being told.

I never thought I could be a stay at home mother and still make an earning.

I never thought I could work online with an automated system that allows me to be offline and still earn money.

My next dream is to take my kids away on holidays without waiting to be told when I can do this.

What are your dreams?

What steps will you take to achieve this?

What is holding you back?

Let’s make it to your dreams

Let’s work together to make a life worth living and not just a tired run down life with no big dreams.